Fable & Mane Product Page

A simple layout that makes use of well thought out, bold colors.

Why I like it:


Review and average rating are displayed at the top of the hierarchy to quickly establish trust and credibility.


Add to cart button is bold and vivid. It really stands out to the customer as they land on the page.


Unique and attractive product image design takes a simple layout and makes it interesting!

Why I like it:


Review and average rating are displayed at the top of the hierarchy to quickly establish trust and credibility.


Add to cart button is bold and vivid. It really stands out to the customer as they land on the page.


Unique and attractive product image design takes a simple layout and makes it interesting!

Why I like it:


Review and average rating are displayed at the top of the hierarchy to quickly establish trust and credibility.


Add to cart button is bold and vivid. It really stands out to the customer as they land on the page.


Unique and attractive product image design takes a simple layout and makes it interesting!

Built by Adrian Raath in Framer

Contact me at hello@adrianraath.com

©2023 Adrian Raath

Built by Adrian Raath in Framer

Contact me at hello@adrianraath.com

©2023 Adrian Raath