G Develop Navigation

A classic, simple navigation layout with logo on the left and call to action on the right.

Why I like it:


G Develop's top navigation doesn't do anything special but is is super easy to use due to the familiarity of its layout.


The top navigation of this site is transparent, allowing the night sky background of the hero section to shine through.


Keeping it simple is a sure way to maximize usability.

Why I like it:


G Develop's top navigation doesn't do anything special but is is super easy to use due to the familiarity of its layout.


The top navigation of this site is transparent, allowing the night sky background of the hero section to shine through.


Keeping it simple is a sure way to maximize usability.

Why I like it:


G Develop's top navigation doesn't do anything special but is is super easy to use due to the familiarity of its layout.


The top navigation of this site is transparent, allowing the night sky background of the hero section to shine through.


Keeping it simple is a sure way to maximize usability.

Built by Adrian Raath in Framer

Contact me at hello@adrianraath.com

©2023 Adrian Raath

Built by Adrian Raath in Framer

Contact me at hello@adrianraath.com

©2023 Adrian Raath